jueves, 15 de febrero de 2024

Actividades 2024

-  27 enero Campeonato Autonómico de Wushu-KungFu en Ontinyent

-  17 febrero Exámenes e 1 a 5 dan en Benimaclet

-  24 marzo entrenamiento del equipo de la Comunidad Valenciana que va al campeonato de España.  Horario: de 10,30 a 12,30 en el Club Herca de Torrent.

-  2 y 3 marzo Campeonato de España Absoluto de Wushu


Medallero del equipo:
Wushu Mano Vacía
Ciro Rey - Oro
Silvia Tomás - Oro
Ángel García de la Galana - Oro
David Domingo - Plata
Tiago Patrón - Plata
Elisabet Arroyo - Bronce
Manuel Caro - Oro
Asia Rodríguez - Oro
Sergi Geira - Plata
Laia Forcadell - Plata 

Ciro Rey - Oro (sable)
Ángel García de la Galana - Oro (palo)
Silvia Tomás - Plata (espada)
Marcos Dolz - Plata (palo)
Tiago Patrón - Plata (sable)
Lucía Aparicio - Bronce (sable)
Elisabet Arroyo - Bronce (sable)
David Domingo - 2ª posición (sable)
David Domingo - 2ª posición (palo)
Manuel Caro - Plata (nandao)
Manuel Caro - Plata (nangun)
Asia Rodríguez - 1ª posición (nandao)
Miguel Silva - 1ª posición (nandao)
Miguel Silva - Oro (nangun)
Alejandro García - 2ª posición (daoshu)
Alejandro García - Bronce (gunshu)
Sergi Geira - Bronce
Laia Forcadell - Plata 

Manuel de la Torre - Bronce
Marc Montiel - Plata
Paula Martínez - Bronce
Noel Pulido - Bronce
Miquel Lozano - Bronce
Zakaria Bnmihoub - Bronce
Manuel Caro - Plata

Qing Da
Sergi Geira - Plata 

-   13 abril Curso de Arbitraje de taolu y sanda

-  27 abril Campeonato Provincial de Castellón, Valencia y Alicante.

-  11 Mayo Campeonato de campeones de wushu de los 4 primeros clasificados provinciales

-  15 junio Exámenes federativos de cinto de color en el Club Wushu Náquera, el 18 y 19 junio en Castellón.

-  20 julio XXCampeonato del Mediterráneo en Castellón

pendiente fecha Jornada de Convivencia en Provincia de Alicante


2024 New Year Message

by IWUF President Gao Zhidan

As time flies, 2024 is approaching. At a time to ring out the old year and ring in the new, on behalf of the International Wushu Federation, I would like to extend our best wishes for the New Year to the global wushu community!

Looking back on 2023, we successfully convened the 16th IWUF Congress, which opens a new journey for the future development of wushu;the 16th World Wushu Championships

concluded with a great success, where many young talented athletes emerged; the number of member federations now adds up to 160 across five continents, revealing that the wushu “family” is prospering; and a rich variety of continental, national and regional wushu events and activities have been vigorously carried out, presenting a thriving scene around the world. I would like to take this opportunity to express our highest respect and heartfelt thanks to all of you!

Wushu is a common treasure of all mankind. The philosophical ideas it contains such as “one should strive continuously to strengthen himself” and “forces of martial arts are to be used only for the maintenance of peace and order” are highly consistent with the concept of a global community with shared

future, and are in line with the essence of the Olympic motto “faster, higher, stronger – together”. In the new year, we should continue to improve through reform and innovation, forge ahead with enterprise, vigorously foster wushu culture and spread wushu spirit, promoting the high-quality development of wushu for the better and faster path of wushu to the grand Olympic stage. We should also promote the sport of wushu in enhancing people-to-people bonds among countries and mutual learning among civilizations around the world, making positive contributions to building a community with a shared future for humanity.

May the mission of wushu enjoy prosperity and progress! I wish you all a happy New Year and may all your wishes come true.

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